

Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility are an integral part of Behre Dolbear’s strategy and a pillar of reference for the Company’s positioning in the market. For Behre Dolbear, it is essential that this commitment be visible, as it is part of the day-to-day activities of companies and our customers. For this reason, the Sustainability principles are inscribed in the operating principles that outline its culture and way of working, indelibly integrating the Company’s culture and essence and being reflected at all levels of the organization and in the practices of Governance and Business Ethics.


Climate change and the need for measures that reduce carbon emissions to within government target levels is at the forefront of our expertise. Behre Dolbear has a team of experts who are capable of providing expert advice and innovative solutions to our clients with respect to their aim of reducing carbon emissions. Supporting each of our technical assignments is a team of experienced professionals who give expert advice on the environmental and social performance of the company or project concerned and recognise the responsibilities the mining industry has to the environment and local community in complying with national and international regulations. Our experts are able to undertake stakeholder engagements and integrate environmental and social governance (ESG) systems with mining activity over the complete lifecycle from study and design through to closure and post-closure.